Training Courses

Basic Employment Law and SDS

A basic level understanding of employment legislation that applies to a person becoming a PA employer and how this can impact practitioners decisions regarding their assessment of the persons ability to take on the employer role. This is intended to inform frontline practitioners of when to stop having the discussions with the supported person and when to signpost them to employment law advice and support.

Basic Employment Law for first time employers

This session is the combined session of our three employer information sessions covering basic employment law in the day to day running of a support package. This includes employers document orientation.

Budget Considerations

Provides an understanding of how to disseminate an option 1 budget, being able to explain this to a supported person in terms of the employment of a PA and the use of contingency monies.

Dealing with Conflict and Conflict Management

Basic introduction to the 5 factor model in how we manage our emotions during conflict to prepare for success. Understanding our own personality traits and our coping strategies.

Developing the Skills of Problem Solving

This session looks at breaking problems into manageable chunks being solution focused and confident in your approach.

Employment of family members

The considerations from the statutory guidance one employing family members, but also the wider implications and potential issues that could arise.

Engagement of Self Employed contractors

This sessions considers the employment status of a person working with a supported individual and the appropriateness of Self Employment utilising an option 1 agreement. Taking in to account other pieces of legislation, registration and accountability.

Human Rights and SDS

How human rights underpins SDS and a look at PANEL and FAIR in practice.

Interviewing Skills

Supporting the first time employer through the interviewing process.

Introduction to Direct Payments/option 1

This session would look at DP’s in depth – as we have been informed that some supported individuals decline the practitioners guidance to connect with us as the support organisation. The duty then remains with the council to inform of the obligations of an employer as this then would not be considered as a delegated duty.

Introduction to SDS values and principles

Understanding the history of SDS and understanding the principles that underpin the legislation. Looking at the responsibilities and duties with in the act, the meaning of the principles and how we evidence and demonstrate the persons experience.

Introduction to self confidence and personal coping strategies

Understanding emotional intelligence, the transition of change, how our thinking dictates our mood and our actions.
